green blood exhibition stadtgalerie brixen

thomas feuerstein & christine runggaldier

the two artists transform the gallery spaces into a molecular, somewhat dystopian, but in any case newly experienceable spatial situation.
the works interlock, complement and reinforce each other. thus, in thomas feuerstein’s work, it is algae, fungi, and lichens -the nature itself- that shape the art. Nature, captured or preserved in vessels, seemingly locked up, but always ready to break out and conquer the space.nature, which shapes and forms art, changing and shaping surfaces. a bubbling beauty, which is inherent in something threatening and fascinates precisely for that reason.
these works show a seemingly distant reality, but perhaps much closer than we think.
an antipole or a continuation and complement to this are the works of christine runggaldier. blood vessels and nerve cords cast in fiberglass, bent in wire, delicate, yet very material and tactile. actually, these power plants of the body should pulsate and live as well. but it is precisely this sculptural realization that allows for a new view, and an arc of tension runs through the gallery’s two rooms.

curated by gerd bergmeister and josef rainer

in cooperation with the stadtgalerie brixen, südtiroler künstlerbund

exhibition stadtgalerie brixen